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Genus Acremonium Link

  • Acremonium сharticola (J. Lindau) W. Gams – marine; littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest. (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine; littoral; water, macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest. (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral; roots of Salicornia europaea (Бубнова и др., 2006) Marine, littoral; thallome of S. latissima, Fucus spp., Ascophyllum nodosum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Acremonium chrysogenum (Thirum. & Sukapure) W. Gams – marine; water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral; thallome of S. latissima, Fucus spp., A. nodosum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Acremonium fuci Summerb., Zuccaro & W. Gams – marine, littoral; thallome of Fucus spp. (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Acremonium incoloratum (Sukapure & Thirum.) W. Gams – soil; lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б).
  • Acremonium kiliense Grütz – marine; littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: ground (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of S. latissima, Fucus spp. (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006). Soil; ground depth 170-210 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Acremonium persicinum (Nicot) W. Gams – marine; littoral, supralittoral; grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: roots of Aster; (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, littoral: macrophytes; soil: meadow (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Acremonium rutilum W. Gams – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil; meadow, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral; macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Acremonium strictum W. Gams – marine water, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: ground, thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil; meadow, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; marine; water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil; meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral; thallome of S. latissima, Fucus spp., A. nodosum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006). Soil; ground depth 200-230 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Acremonium tubakii W. Gams – soil; lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б). Marine, littoral; roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006).

Genus Acrostalagmus Corda

  • Acrostalagmus luteoalbus (Link) Zare, W. Gams & Schroers (=Verticillium luteoalbum (Link) Subram.) – marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine littoral; ground, soil (Бубнова, 2005). Marine littoral; thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Alatospora Ingold

  • Alatospora acuminata Ingold – marine; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Alternaria Nees

  • Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl. – soil; under mosses, lichens, cereals, Crassulaceae (the orpine family) (Лисина, Максимова, 1967: Alternaria tenuis Nees). Soil; lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б, in). Marine, littoral, supralittoral; ground, soil, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest; pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater; littoral: macrophytes, ground; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral; sprouts Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral, sublittoral; thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Alternaria raphani J. W. Groves & Skolko – marine, littoral, supralittoral; ground, soil (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999).

Genus Anguillospora Ingold

  • Anguillospora crassa Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Anguillospora longissima (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Aphanocladium W. Gams

  • Aphanocladium album (Preuss) W. Gams – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, littoral; macrophytes, soil: meadow (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of F. vesiculosus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Articulospora Ingold

  • Articulospora tetracladia Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common, sometimes dominant (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Aspergillus Link

  • Aspergillus candidus Link – marine, littoral, supralittoral; ground, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999).
  • Aspergillus carneus (Tiegh.) Blochowitz – marine, littoral, supralittoral; ground, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999).
  • Aspergillus clavatus Desm. – marine, littoral, supralittoral; ground, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999).
  • Aspergillus ficuum (Reichardt) Henn. – marine, littoral; thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Aspergillus flavus Link – marine, littoral, supralittoral; ground, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: ground; soil: meadow, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Aspergillus fumigatus Fresen. – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; littoral: roots of Aster; soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Aspergillus glaucus (L.) Link – marine, littoral: ground (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Aspergillus niger Tiegh. – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in). Marine, littoral, supralittoral; ground, soil, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; littoral: roots of Aster; soil: birch forest, lichens pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soils: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral; thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Aspergillus pulverulentus (McAlpine) Wehmer – marine, littoral; thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Aspergillus restrictus G. Sm. – marine, littoral: ground. (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Aspergillus sydowii (Bainier & Sartory) Thom & Church – soil: green moss pine forest (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: ground; soil: meadow, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Aspergillus ustus (Bainier) Thom & Church – marine water, littoral: ground; soils: lichens pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Aspergillus variecolor Thom & Raper – marine littoral: ground; soil: birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Aspergillus versicolor (Vuill.) Tirab. – soil: pine, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater; marine littoral: ground; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: sprouts Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine littoral: thallome of Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Aspergillus wentii Wehmer – soil: meadow, lichens pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: ground; soil: meadow, lichens pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006).

Genus Asteromyces Moreau & M. Moreau ex Hennebert

  • Asteromyces cruciatus Moreau & V. Moreau ex Hennebert – marine; conidia in marine foam; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Aureobasidium Viala & G. Boyer

  • Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary) G. Arnaud – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, littoral: roots of Aster; soil: meadow, green moss pine, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Soil; ground depth 150-170 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).

Genus Beauveria Vuill.

  • Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv.) Vuill. – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, березн (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, lichens pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Bipolaris Shoemaker

At a more detailed culture and genetic study of some isolates, initially classified by us as the species of the genus Bipolaris, we came to a conclusion, that they should be considered marine species of the genus Dendryphiella (D. salina (G. K. Sutherl.) Pugh & Nicot или D. arenaria Nicot). Apparently, this can be extended to all isolates, previously  classified by us as species in the genus Bipolaris. Nevertheless, here we list the names, under which they were published:

  • Bipolaris australiensis (M. B. Ellis) Tsuda & Ueyama – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: sprouts, roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharin, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Bipolaris hawaiiensis (M. B. Ellis) J.Y. Uchida & Aragaki – marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Botrytis P. Micheli

  • Botrytis cinerea Pers. – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б, in). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest, lichens pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: sprouts, roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Cephalotrichum Berk.

  • Cephalotrichum stemonitis (Pers.) Nees (=Doratomyces stemonitis (Pers.) F. G. Morton & G. Sm.) – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Chloridium Link

  • Chloridium virescens (Pers.) W. Gams & Hol.-Jech. – soil: meadow (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Chrysosporium Corda

  • Chrysosporium merdarium (Link) J.W. Carmich. – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Cirrenalia Meyers & R. T. Moore

  • Cirrenalia macrocephala (Kohlm.) Meyers & R.T. Moore – marine; conidia in marine foam; common (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Cladosporium Link

  • Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresen.) de Vries – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral; sprouts, roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006). Soil; ground depth 23-80 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Cladosporium herbarum (Pers.) Link – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б, in). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006).
  • Cladosporium hordei (Bruhne) Pidopl. – soil: under mosses, lichens, cereals, Solanaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967: Hormodendrum hordei Bruhne).
  • Cladosporium macrocarpum (G. F. Atk.) Kühner – marine, littoral; saprotroph on on dead Zostera, Palmaria, Laminaria; common (Kuznetsov, Vekhov, 2001; Кузнецов, 2003: C. algarum Cooke & Massee). Soil: green moss pine forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: lichens pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Soil; ground depth 150-170 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Cladosporium sphaerospermum Penz. – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б, in). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Clavariopsis De Wild.

  • Clavariopsis aquatica De Wild. – marine; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Clavariopsis brachycladia Tubaki – marine; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Clavariopsis bulbosa Anastasiou – marine; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Clavatospora Sv. Nilsson ex Marvanová & Sv. Nilsson

  • Clavatospora longibrachiata (Ingold) Sv. Nilsson ex Marvanová & Sv. Nilsson – marine; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Clavatospora tentacula Sv. Nilsson – marine; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Clonostachys Corda

  • Clonostachys rosea (Link) Shroers, Samuels, Seifert & W.Gams – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster (Бубнова и др., 2002: Gliocladium roseum Bainier). Soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Culcitalna Meyers & R. T. Moore

  • Culcitalna achraspora Meyers & R. T. Moore – marine, littoral; on Zostera, wood; conidia in sea foam, planktonic; common (Кузнецов, 2003: Trichocladium achrasporum (Meyers & R. T. Moore) M. Dixon).

Genus Cylindrocarpon Wollemw.

  • Cylindrocarpon obtusiusculum (Sacc.) U. Braun (=C. magnusianum Wollenw.) – marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Dendryphiella Bubák & Ranoj.

  • Dendryphiella arenaria Nicot – marine, littoral, sublittoral; on Zostera; conidia in marine foam; rare (Kuznetsov, Vekhov, 2001; Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Dendryphiella salina (G. K. Sutherl.) Pugh & Nicot – marine, littoral, sublittoral; on Zostera, dead Laminaria, wood; conidia in marine foam; rare (Kuznetsov, Vekhov, 2001; Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Dendryphiella vinosa (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Reisinger – marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadow (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Dimorphospora Tubaki

  • Dimorphospora foliicola Tubaki – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Embellisia E. G. Simmons

  • Embellisia annulata de Hoog, Siegle-Mur., Steiman & K.-E. Erikson – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Engyodontium de Hoog

  • Engyodontium album (Limber) de Hoog – marine, littoral: macrophytes; soil: meadows, birch forest (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Flagellospora Ingold

  • Flagellospora curvula Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Flagellospora penicillioides Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Flagellospora stricta Sv. Nilsson – freshwater; conidia in the brook foam; sporadic (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Fusarium Link

  • Fusarium aquaeductuum (Rabenh. & Radlk.) Lagerh. – marine, sublittoral; ground; sporadic (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc. – soil: under cereals (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: meadows, birch forest (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Fusarium culmorum (W.G. Sm.) Sacc. – soil: under Fabaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, green moss pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Fusarium expansum Schltdl. – soil: under lichens (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Fusarium heterosporum Nees – marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006).
  • Fusarium lateritium Nees – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б).
  • Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl. – marine, littoral: Zostera (Kuznetsov, Vekhov, 2001). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Fusarium sambucinum Fuckel – soil: under lichens, Fabaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Marine, littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, green moss pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Fusarium solani (Matr.) Sacc. – soil: under cereals (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow (Бубнова и др., 2002). Freshwater water; marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Fusarium verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999: F. moniliforme J. Sheld.). Freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006: F. moniliforme).

Genus Geomyces Traaen

  • Geomyces pannorus (Link) Sigler & J. W. Carmich. var. pannorum – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999: Chrysosporium pannorum (Link) S. Hughes). Marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: grounds, macrophytes; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006). Soil: ground depth 8-170 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).

Genus Geotrichum Link

  • Geotrichum candidum Link – marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: sprouts Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral: Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Gliocladium Corda

  • Gliocladium penicillioides Corda – soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова, 2005). Soil: ground depth 170-210 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Gliocladium viride Matr. – marine; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadows, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006: G. deliquescens Sopp).

Genus Gliomastix Guég.

  • Gliomastix murorum (Corda) S. Hughes var. murorum (=Acremonium murorum (Corda) W. Gams) – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: roots of Aster; (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, littoral: macrophytes, soil (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Harzia Costantin

  • Harzia acremonioides (Harz) Costantin – marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Heliscella Marvanová

  • Heliscella stellata (Ingold & V. J. Cox) Marvanová – marine; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Heliscus Sacc.

  • Heliscus lugdunensis Sacc. & Therry – freshwater; on rotting leaves; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Heteroconium Petr.

  • Heteroconium chaetospira (Grove) M. B. Ellis – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979в: Septonema chaetospira (Grove) S. Hughes).

Genus Humicola Traaen

  • Humicola grisea Traaen – soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Soil: meadows; birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Isaria Pers.

  • Isaria farinosa (Holmsk.) Fr. (=Paecilomyces farinosus (Holmsk.) A. H. S. Br. & G. Sm.) – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: grounds, thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, sublittoral, littoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Lecanicillium W. Gams & Zare

  • Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimm.) Zare & W. Gams – marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow (Бубнова и др., 2002: Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) Viégas). Soil: meadow (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004: V. lecanii). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Lecanicillium psalliotae (Treschew) Zare & W. Gams – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster (Бубнова и др., 2002: Verticillium psalliotae Treschow). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Lemonniera De Wild.

  • Lemonniera aquatica De Wild. – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Lemonniera cornuta Ranzoni – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Lemonniera filiformis R.H. Petersen ex Dyko – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Lemonniera terrestris Tubaki – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common, sometimes dominant (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Leptodontidium de Hoog

  • Leptodontidium elatius (F. Mangenot) de Hoog (=Rhinocladiella elatior F. Mangenot) – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, in).

Genus Margaritispora Ingold

  • Margaritispora aquatica Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Microdochium Syd.

  • Microdochium nivale (Fr.) Samuels & I. C. Hallett – soil: meadows, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Monocillium S. B. Saksena

  • Monocillium tenue W.Gams – marine, littoral: macrophytes; soil: meadows (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Neoscytalidium Crous & Slippers Neoscytalidium dimidiatum (Penz.) Crous & Slippers – marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006: Nattrassia mangiferae (Syd. & P. Syd.) B. Sutton & Dyko). Genus Oidiodendron Robak

  • Oidiodendron echinulatum G.L. Barron – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б).
  • Oidiodendron flavum Svilv. – soil: birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Oidiodendron tenuissimum (Peck) S. Hughes – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; littoral: ground; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Oidiodendron truncatum G.L. Barron – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б). Soil: pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Paecilomyces Bainier

  • Paecilomyces carneus (Duché & R. Heim) A. H. S. Br. & G. Sm. – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Paecilomyces inflatus (Burnside) J. W. Carmich. – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: macrophytes; grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Paecilomyces marquandii (Mansee) S. Hughes – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, green moss pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Paecilomyces variotii Bainier – freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Penicillium Link

  • Penicillium adametzii K. M. Zalessky – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979в).
  • Penicillium atramentosum Thom – marine, littoral: ground; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium aurantiogriseum Dierckx – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б, in: P. martensii Biourge). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: roots, sprouts Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006).
  • Penicillium aurantiovirens Biourge – soil: under mosses (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Penicillium bilaiae Chalab. – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, littoral: grounds; soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium brevicompactum Dierckx – soil: under lichens, Crassulaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium canescens Sopp – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, pine, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium chermesinum Biourge – soil: under Solanaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б).
  • Penicillium chrysogenum Thom – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б: P. chrysogenum, P. meleagrinum Biourge and P. notatum Westling). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: grounds, thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006: P. chrysogenum and P. notatum). Soil: ground depth 170-210 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Penicillium citreonigrum Dierckx – soil: ground (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Penicillium citrinum Thom – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, littoral: ground; soil: pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006). Soil: ground depth 23-80 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Penicillium commune Thom – marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium corylophilum Dierckx – soil: under mosses, lichens, cereals (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Penicillium crustosum Thom – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999).
  • Penicillium cyaneo-fulvum Biourge – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б).
  • Penicillium cyclopium Westling – soil: under lichens, Solanaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: sprouts Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium decumbens Thom – soil: under mosses, Crassulaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: on Zostera (Kuznetsov, Vekhov, 2001). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium diversum Raper & Fennel – soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium echinulatum Fassat. – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999).
  • Penicillium expansum Link – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine water; sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: grounds, thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, lichens pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium frequentans Westling – soil: under mosses, lichens, cereals (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium funiculosum Thom – soil: under mosses (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium glabrum (Wehmer) Westling – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, littoral: ground, roots of Aster; soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium griseofulvum Dierckx – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999).
  • Penicillium herqueri Bainier & Sartory – soil: pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004).
  • Penicillium hirsutum Dierckx – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б: P. corymbiferum Westling). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; littoral: ground; soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium janczewskii K. M. Zalessky – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б: P. nigricans (Bainier) Thom). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, littoral: ground, roots of Aster; soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006: P. nigricans). Soil: ground depth 8-23 and 23-230 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Penicillium jensenii K. M. Zalessky – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б).
  • Penicillium implicatum Biourge – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979в). Soil: ground depth 200-230 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Penicillium indonesiae Pitt – soil: under Crassulaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967: как P. javanicum J.F.H. Beyma).
  • Penicillium lanosum Westling – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium lapidosum Raper & Fennell – soil: under Crassulaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б).
  • Penicillium melinii Thom – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: meadow, birch forest, lichens pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium montanense M. Chr. & Backus – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: meadows (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium nalgiovense Laxa – marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium novae-zeelandiae J. F. H. Beyma – soil: under mosses (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Penicillium ochraceum Raillo – soil: under Crassulaceae, Solanaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Penicillium olivinoviride Biourge – marine, freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, green moss pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium oxalicum Currie & Thom – soil: meadow (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium palitans Westling – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979в). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium paxilli Bainier – soil: under lichens (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Penicillium pinetorum M. Chr. & Backus – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б).
  • Penicillium piscarium Westling – soil: under mosses, lichens, Fabaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Penicillium puberulum Bainier – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б).
  • Penicillium purpurogenum Stoll – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in). Marine water; littoral: ground; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006). Soil: ground depth 170-210 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Penicillium purpurascens (Sopp) Biourge – marine, freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005: P. purpurrescens (Sopp) Raper & Thom)
  • Penicillium raistrickii G. Sm. – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium resticulosum Birkinshaw, Raistrick & G. Sm. – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б). Freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium roqueforti Thom – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium roseopurpureum Dierckx – soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004).
  • Penicillium rubrum Stoll – marine water; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium rugulosum Thom – marine, freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium sclerotiorum J. F. H. Beyma – soil: under mosses, lichens, cereals (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Marine, littoral: талломы Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006: P. multicolor Grig.-Man. & Porad. and P. sclerotiorum).
  • Penicillium silvaticum Oudem. – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а: P. silvaticum Suprun).
  • Penicillium simplicissimum (Oudem.) Thom – soil: under mosses, Fabaceae, Crassulaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967: P. janthinellum Biourge). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Soil: ground depth 8-23 and 23-80 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Penicillium soppii K. M. Zalessky – soil: under mosses, Fabaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Penicillium spinulosum Thom – soil: under Fabaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium steckii Zalessky – marine, littoral: grounds; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: талломы Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium stoloniferum Thom – soil: under Crassulaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967).
  • Penicillium tardum Thom – marine water; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium thomii Maire – soil: under mosses, lichens, cereals (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979в). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: roots of Aster; seaside meadow, березняки, pine forests: soils; VII-VIII 1999-2001 (Бубнова и др., 2002). П-ов Киндо; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral. sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006). Soil: ground depth 200-230 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).
  • Penicillium variabile Sopp – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б, in).
  • Penicillium velutinum J. F. H. Beyma – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in: P. fuscum (Sopp) Raper & Thom). Marine, littoral: ground; soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium vinaceum J. C. Gilman & E. V. Abbott – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б).
  • Penicillium viridicatum Westling – soil: under mosses (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils, storm drains (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral; thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Penicillium vulpinum (Cooke & Massee) Seifert & Samson – soil: under mosses (Лисина, Максимова, 1967: P. claviforme Bainier). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in: P. claviforme). Marine, littoral, супр: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Penicillium waksmanii Zaleski – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979в). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: green moss pine forest (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Soil: ground depth 170-210 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).

Genus Phialophora Medlar

  • Phialophora cinerescens (Wollenw.) J. F. H. Beyma – marine, littoral: macrophytes; soil: meadows, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Piricauda Bubák

  • Piricauda pelagica T. Johnson – marine; conidia in marine foam; sporadic (Кузнецов, 2003: Monodictys pelagica (T. Johnson) E. B. G. Jones).

Genus Plectosporium M. E. Palm., W. Gams & Nirenberg

  • Plectosporium tabacinum (J. F. H. Beyma) M.E. Palm, W. Gams & Nirenberg – marine, littoral: macrophytes; soil: meadows (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Pochonia Bat. & O.M. Fonseca

  • Pochonia bulbillosa (W.Gams & Malla) Zare & W. Gams – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б, in: Verticillium bulbillosum W.Gams & Malla and V. cephalosporum W. Gams).

Genus Scopulariopsis Bainier

  • Scopulariopsis acremonium (Delacr.) Vuill. – marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Scopulariopsis brumptii Salv.-Duval – soil: ground depth 170-210 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).

Genus Stachybotrys Corda

  • Stachibotrytis chartarum (Ehrenb.) S. Hughes – marine, littoral: roots of Aster (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, pine (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Stemphylium Wallr.

  • Stemphylium botryosum Wallr. – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster; soil: meadow, birch forest, lichens pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: meadow, birch forest, lichens pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Stemphylium verruculosum (Zimm.) Sacc. – marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Tetrachaetum Ingold

  • Tetrachaetum elegans Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Tetracladium De Wild.

  • Tetracladium marchalianum De Wild. – freshwater; on rotting leaves; conidia in the foam; dominant (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Tetracladium setigerum (Grove) Ingold – freshwater; on rotting leaves; conidia in the foam; dominant (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Tilachlidium Preuss

  • Tilachlidium humicola Oudem. – soil: under Fabaceae (Лисина, Максимова, 1967: Cephalosporium humicola (Oudem.) Bat. & H. Maia).

Genus Tolypocladium W. Gams

  • Tolypocladium cylindrosporum W. Gams – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus, Ascophyllum (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Tolypocladium inflatum W.Gams – marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Tricellula Beverw.

  • Tricellula aquatica J. Webster – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Tricellula aurantiaca (Haskins) Arx – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003: Volucrispora aurantiaca Haskins).

Genus Trichocladium Harz

  • Trichocladium achrasporum (Meyers & R.T. Moore) M. Dixon – marine, littoral, sublittoral: on Zostera (Kuznetsov, Vekhov, 2001).

Genus Trichoderma Pers.

  • Trichoderma album Preuss – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979б).
  • Trichoderma atroviride P. Karst. – soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Trichoderma hamatum (Bonord.) Bainier – marine, littoral: roots Aaster; soil: birch forest, lichens pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: birch forest, lichens pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Freshwater water; marine, littoral: grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Trichoderma harzianum Rifai – soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004; Бубнова, 2005).
  • Trichoderma koningii Oudem. – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: meadow, birch forest, pine (Бубнова и др., 2002). Soil: pine (Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine,freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Trichoderma minutisporum Bissett – soil: meadows, birch forest, green moss pine forest (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Trichoderma polysporum (Link) Rifai – freshwater water; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Trichoderma viride Pers. – soil: under mosses, lichens, Fabaceae, cereals (Лисина, Максимова, 1967). Soil: lichens pine (Толпышева, 1979а, б, in). Marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999). Soil: meadow, birch forest, lichens pine (Бубнова и др., 2002; Бубнова, Великанов, 2004). Marine, freshwater water; littoral: macrophytes, grounds; soil: meadows, birch forest, pine (Бубнова, 2005). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina, Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006). Soil: ground depth 8-23 and 150-210 sm (Марфенина, Кислова, 2006).

Genus Trichothecium Link

  • Trichothecium roseum (Pers.) Link – soil: meadows, birch forest (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Tricladium Ingold

  • Tricladium angulatum Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Tricladium attenuatum S. H. Iqbal – freshwater; conidia in the brook foam; sporadic (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Tricladium gracile Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Tricladium intermedium R.H. Petersen – freshwater; конидиив foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003: Geniculospora intermedia (R.H. Petersen) Sv. Nilsson).
  • Tricladium splendens Ingold – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Tricladium terrestre D. Park – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Tripospermum Speg.

  • Tripospermum camelopardus Ingold, Dann & P.J. McDougall – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Tumularia Descals & Marvanová

  • Tumularia aquatica (Ingold) Marvanová & Descals – marine, littoral, supralittoral: grounds, soils (Согонов, Марфенина, 1999: Dactylella aquatica Ingold).

Genus Ulocladium Preuss

  • Ulocladium alternariae (Cooke) E. G. Simmons – marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Ulocladium botrytis Preuss – marine, littoral: roots of Salicornia (Бубнова и др., 2006). Marine, littoral, sublittoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).

Genus Varicosporium W. Kegel

  • Varicosporium delicatum S. H. Iqbal – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; rare (Кузнецов, 2003).
  • Varicosporium elodeae W. Kegel – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Verticillium Nees

  • Verticillium coccosporum (Drechsler) W. Gams – marine, littoral: macrophytes (Бубнова, 2005).
  • Verticillium dahliae Kleb. – marine, littoral: thallome of Fucus (Киреев, Бубнова, 2006).
  • Verticillium nigrescens Pethybr. – marine, sublittoral: thallome of Saccharina; littoral: thallome of Fucus, roots of Aster (Бубнова и др., 2002). Marine, littoral: macrophytes; soil: meadows (Бубнова, 2005).

Genus Volucrispora Haskins

  • Volucrispora graminea Ingold, P. J. McDoughall & Dann – freshwater; conidia in the foam of brooks; common (Кузнецов, 2003).

Genus Zalerion R. T. Moore & Meyers

  • Zalerion maritimum (Linder) Anastasiou – marine, littoral, sublittoral; wood; conidia in marine foam; common (Кузнецов, 2003).