Order Cladophorales (Siphonocladales)

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Family Cladophoraceae Wille in Warming

Genus Chaetomorpha Kützing

  • Chaetomorpha melagonium (F. Weber & D. Mohr) Kützing – marine, sublittoral, down to 2 m; poorly protected, open coastal areas; on stones, thallome of Fucus, Laminaria (Возжинская, 1967). Littoral, sublittoral; common (own data; Михайлова, 2010).
  • Chaetomorpha brachygona Harvey – benthic; freshwater supralittoral basins, pools; rare (own data).
  • Chaetomorpha herbipolensis Lagerheim – benthic; Verkhneye Ershovskoe lake; rare (own data).
  • Chaetomorpha tortuosa (Dillw.) Kleen (in http://algaebase.org this species is regarded as a synonym for C. ligustica (Kützing) Kützing, but this understanding is based upon data of foreign algologists, unfamiliar with the particular flora of the White Sea) (Михайлова, 2010).

The first edition of the Catalog also listed another two species of this genus: 1) Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillwyn) Kützing – marine (Блинова, 1954). Littoral pools, supralittoral brackish-water basins, pools; common (own data). This species is widespread in more southern regions (Litva, the Black Sea); findings in the White Sea have not been confirmed, this is probably a mistaken listing. (Определитель…, 1980), or, brought together with the substrate from a lower littoral horizon to the upper one, specimens of C. melagonium (Михайлова, 2010). 2) Chaetomorpha linum (O. F. Müller) Kützing – planktonic, benthic; littoral pools, supralittoral brackish-water basins, pools; common (own data), but this name is a synonym for Chaetomorpha melagonium (Виноградова, 1986). (Михайлова, 2010).

Genus Cladophora Kützing

  • Cladophora sericea (Hudson) Kützing – benthic; desalinated littoral areas; Velikaya Salma; rare (own data; Михайлова, 2010).
  • Cladophora rupestris (Linnaeus) Kützing – marine, sublittoral; on stones, thallome of Fucus, Laminaria (Блинова, 1962). Poorly protected coastal areas, sublittoral, 1-2 m, on stones, thallome of Fucus, Laminaria; open areas, sublittoral, 0-2 m, common (Возжинская, 1967). Littoral; concomitant form (Возжинская, 1975). Littoral, enclosed areas; common (Долгачёва, 1975) (Михайлова, 2010).

The first edition of the Catalog also listed another four species of this genus: 1) Cladophora fracta (O. F. Müller) Kützing – marine, littoral; protected coastal areas; dominant (Возжинская, 1967). Enclosed areas; common (Долгачёва, 1975), but this name is a synonym for Cladophora sericea (Виноградова, 1988) (Михайлова, 2010). 2) Cladophora globulina (Kützing) Kützing – supralittoral basin; Probkina Gubka inlet; sporadic (own data), however, this species is widespread in more southern regions (Estonia, Latvia, the Moscow Oblast, Caucasus, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia); findings in the vicinity of WSBS MSU have not been confirmed, and are most likely, mistakenly listed. (Определитель…, 1980) (Михайлова, 2010). 3) Cladophora hauckii Børgesen – marine, enclosed coastal areas (opposite to the Eremeevsky Island, Kislaya inlet); littoral; on sandy, silty-sandy soils. (Блинова, 1962: C. fracta (O.F. Müller) Kützing f. marina Hauk). The name of this species is formally taken from http://algaebase.org, in the Catalog is listed with a reference to Блинова (1962), where the species is given under the name of C. fracta (is currently considered as a synonym for Cladophora sericea) (Михайлова, 2010). 4) Cladophora glomerata (Linnaeus) Kützing – marine, littoral; in pools (Блинова, 1962). Periphyton; freshwater, brackish-water supralittoral basins, pools; common (own data), but this name is considered as a synonym for Cladophora sericea (Виноградова, 1988) (Михайлова, 2010).

Genus Rhizoclonium Kützing 1843

  • Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth) Harvey – periphyton; littoral, sublittoral; Eremeevsky porog rapids; rare (own data: Rhizoclonium implexum (Dillwyn) Kützing). (Михайлова, 2010).

The first edition of the Catalog also listed another two species of this genus: 1) Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum (C. Agardh) Kützing – benthic; brackish-water supralittoral basins; rare; on stones in brooks; common (own data), but judging by some of the samples from the Herbarium of the Botanical Institute identified as R. hieroglyphicum, it was wrongly determined (Виноградова, 1986) (Михайлова, 2010). 2) Rhizoclonium tortuosum (Dillwyn) Kützing – supralittoral, open coastal areas; in the crevices of rocks; rare (Возжинская, 1967). Littoral, supralittoral basins, pools; common (own data), which, according to Виноградова: «… was indicated on the Solovetsky Islands (Калугина, 1959), but it is currently difficult to say what was meant by that name, because the description of this species includes features both of Chaetomorpha tortuosa, and Rhizoclonium riparum» (Виноградова, 1986) (Михайлова, 2010).


Определитель пресноводных водорослей СССР. 13. Зеленые, красные и бурые водоросли. Виноградова К.Л., Голлербах М.М., Зауер Л.М., Сдобникова Н.В. Л., «Наука», 1980. 248 с.

rus:Порядок Cladophorales (Siphonocladales)