Order Corallinales

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Family Corallinaсеае Lamouroux

Genus Corallina Linnaeus

  • Corallina officinalis Linnaeus – marine (Успенская, 1963). Sublittoral, Eremeevsky porog rapids; on stones (Блинова, 1962). Sublittoral, 0-2-3 m; Eremeevsky porog rapids, poorly protected, open coastal areas (Возжинская, 1967; Михайлова, 2010).
  • Corallina pilulifera Postels & Ruprecht — on stones, sporadic, sublittoral, Malyi Eremeevsky Island

Family Hapalidiaceae J. E. Gray

Genus Choreonema F. Schmitz

  • Choreonema cf. thuretii (Bornet) Schmitz – parasite on segments of the red seaweed Corallina officinalis, damaged Corallina specimens were very rarely found in the White Sea (as a rule, in storm drains); but if any damaged specimen were found, Corallina segments were always abundantly covered by these parasitic algae. On a live Corallina species, Choreonema was found only once; sublittoral, Malyi Eremeevsky Island

Genus Clathromophum Foslie

  • Clathromophum compactum (Kjellman) Foslie (=Lithothamnion compactum Kjellman) — on stones, shells, rare, sublittoral, a strait between the Kindo peninsula and the Bolshoi Eremeevsky Island

Genus Lithothamnion Heydrich

  • Lithothamnion coronatum – marine, sublittoral, 8 m; sporadic (Возжинская, 1975).
  • Lithothamnion tophiforme (Esper) Unger (=Lithothamnion soriferum Kjellman) — on stones, rare, sublittoral, a strait between the Velikiy island and the Malyi Eremeevsky Island

Genus Leptophytum W. Adey

  • Leptophytum foecundum (Kjellman) Adey ( =Lithothamnion foecundum Kjellman) on stones, shells, rare, sublittoral, a strait between the Kindo peninsula and the Bolshoi Eremeevsky Island

Genus Phymatolithon Foslie

  • Phymatolithon calcareum (Pallas) Adey & D. L. McKibbin (=Lithothamnion polymorphum (Linnaeus) Areschoug) – marine, sublittoral; common (Долгачёва, 1975).

rus:Порядок Corallinales