Phylum Porifera Grant 1926, sponges
Author: А. С. Плоткин
Marine, sublittoral
Class Calcarea Bowerbank 1864, calcareous sponges
Class Demospongiae Sollas 1884, demosponge
Phylum Cnidaria Hatschek 1888, cnidarians
all marine
Authors: N. N. Marfenin, I. A. Kosevich, N. M. Pertsova, Пятаева С. В.
Class Anthozoa Ehrenberg 1834, corals
Class Scyphozoa Götte 1887
Class Staurozoa Marques & Collins 2004
Class Hydrozoa Owen 1843, hydrozoans
Phylum Ctenophora Eschscholtz 1829, comb jellies
all marine
Author: Н.М. Перцова
Class Tentaculata Eschscholtz 1825
Class Nuda Chun 1879
Phylum Platyhelminthes Minot 1876, flatworms
Class Trematoda Rudolphi 1808, trematodas, flukes
Author: E.D. Valter
Class Monogenoidea Bychowsky 1937, monogeneans
Author: L.A.Gichenok
Class Cestoda Rudolphi 1808, tapeworms
Author: E.D. Valter
Phylum Nemertea Quatrefages 1846, nemertini
all marine
Author: Maslakova S.A.
Class Anopla Schultze 1853
Class Enopla Schultze 1851
Phylum Entoprocta Nitsche 1870, entoprocts
Authors: E.M. Krylova, A.V. Tchesunov
Phylum Annelida de Lamarck 1802, ringed worms
Class Рolychaeta Grube 1850, bristle worms
Authors: A.B. Tzetlin, A.E. Zhadan
All marine species.
Orders are given according to: Fauchald, 1977
Class Oligochaeta Grube 1850
Author: N.M. Kaljakina
Class Hirudinea Lamarck 1818, leeches
Author: A.A.Lvova
Phylum Mollusca Cuvier 1797, molluscs
Authors: A.V. Sysoev; I. Ekimova
Class Aplacophora Ihering 1876
Class Polyplacophora Blainville 1816
Class Gastropoda Cuvier 1797, gastropods
Subclass Caenogastropoda Cox, 1960
Subclass Prosobranchia Milne-Edwards 1848
Subclass Opisthobranchia Milne-Edwards 1848
- Order Pneumodermatiformes Minichev et Starobogatov 1975 (now is considered as lesser taxon of Order Gymnosomata Blainville, 1824)
- Order Stiligeriformes Minichev et Starobogatov 1979 (now is considered as lesser taxon of Order Sacoglossa Ihering, 1876)
- Order Phyllidiiformes Férussac 1822 (now is considered as lesser taxon of Order Doridacea Rafinesque, 1815)
- Order Tritoniiformes Férussac 1822 (now is considered as lesser taxon of Order Nudibranchia Cuvier, 1817)
- Order Cavoliniiformes Minichev et Starobogatov 1975 (synonyme to Order Thecosomata Blainville, 1824)
Class Bivalvia Linnaeus 1758, bivalves
Phylum Arthropoda Latreille 1829
Subphylum Mandibulata Snodgrass 1935
Infraphylum Crustacea Brünnich 1772, crustaceans
Class Branchiopoda Latreille 1817, branchiopods
Subclass Phyllopoda Preuss 1951
Superorder Cladocera Latreille 1839
Author: M. Ya. Orlova-Benkovskaya
All species, if not specified otherwise, are fresh-water
Class Maxillopoda Dahl 1956, maxillopodans
Subclass Thecostraca Gruvel 1905
Author: G.A. Kolbasov
*Infraclass Facetotecta Grygier 1985
Infraclass Cirripedia Burmeister 1834
Superorder Rhizocephala Müller 1862
Superorder Thoracica Darwin 1854
Subclass Tantulocarida Boxshall et Lincoln 1983
Author: A.V. Tchesunov
Subclass Copepoda Milne-Edwards 1840, copepods
Authors: V.N. Ivanenko, P.N. Kornev, P.V. Rybiokov, N.M. Pertsova, Е.С. Чертопруд
Class Ostracoda Latreille 1802, seed shrimps
Author: E.I. Shornikov
Subclass Myodocopa Sars 1866
Subclass Podocopa Müller 1894
Class Malacostraca Latreille 1802
Subclass Phyllocarida Packard 1879
Subclass Eumalacostraca Grobben 1892
Superorder Peracarida Calman 1904
Author: N.M. Pertsova
Authors: T.A. Bek, E.F. Uryupova
- Order Tanaidacea Hansen 1895, tanaids
Author: R.K. Kudinova-Pasternak
- Order Cumacea Krøyer 1846, hooded shrimps
Author: N.M. Kaljakina, E.F. Urupova
Superorder Eucarida Calman 1904
- Order Euphausiacea Dana 1883, krill
Author: N.M. Pertsova
- Order Decapoda Latreille 1802, decapods
Authors: N.M. Kaljakina, E.F. Urupova
Additions and changes: V.A. Spiridonov
Subphylum Chelicerata Heymons 1901, chelicerates
Infraphylum Atelocerata Heymons 1901
Class Hexapoda Blainville 1816
Subclass Entognatha Stummer-Traunfels 1891
- Order Collembola Lubbock 1870, springtails
Subclass Amyocerata Remington 1955
- Order Еphemeroptera Hyatt & Arms 1891, mayflies
- Order Odonata Fabricius 1793, odonate
- Order Plecoptera Burmeister 1838, stoneflies
- Order Hemiptera Linnaeus 1758, true bugs
- Order Coleoptera De Geer 1774, beetles
- Order Neuroptera Linnaeus 1758, net-winged insects
- Order Trichoptera W Kirby 1813, caddisflies
- Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus 1758, lepidopterans
Subphylum Chelicerata Heymons 1901, chelicerates
Class Arachnida MacLeay 1821, arachnids
Author: К.Г. Михайлов
Samples by N.M. Kaljakina in storm drains on the littoral.
- Order Aranei Clerck 1757, spiders
Subclass Acari Leach 1817
Class Pycnogonida Brunnich 1764, sea spiders, pantopoda, or pycnogonids
Authors: E.P. Turpaeva, E.V. Bogomolova
marine, free-living
There is no generally accepted classification of the existing pycnogonids in orders. The existing species are often considered as order Pantopoda, and the extinct species - as order Paleopantopoda.
Phylum Tardigrada Ramazzotti 1962, tardigrades, water bears, or moss piglets
Authors: O.A. Sorokinaа, A.V. Tchesunov
Class Heterotardigrada Marcus 1927
Class Eutardigrada Marcus 1927
Phylum Nematoda Rudolphi 1808, nematodes, or roundworms
E.D. Valter, A.V. Tchesunov
Class Enoplea Inglis 1983
Class Chromadorea Inglis 1983
Phylum Cephalorhyncha Malakhov 1980
Class Priapulida Delage et Herouard 1897, priapulid worms, penis worms
Author: A.V. Tchesunov
Class Kinorhyncha Reinhard 1881, kinorhynchs, mud dragons
Author: A.V. Tchesunov
Phylum Gastrotricha Metschnikoff 1865, gastrotrichs, hairy backs
Authors: E.I. Tretjakova, A.V. Tchesunov
Authors' own data, non-published
Phylum Rotifera Cuvier 1798, rotifers, wheel animals
Author: A.A. Lvova
Author's own data if there is no other stated reference.
Phylum Acanthocephala Rudolphi 1808, acanthocephales, thorny/spiny-headed worms
Author: L.A. Gichenok
Phylum Phoronida Hatschek 1888, phoronids
Author: E.N. Temereva
Class Phoronida
Family Phoronidae Temereva 2005
Genus Phoronis Wright 1856
- Phoronis ovalis (Wright 1856) – marine, sub-littoral, benthic, sedentary. – Темерева, 2006.
Phylum Bryozoa Ehrenberg 1831, moss animals
For species found near the MSU WSBS, the list is compiled by Н.М. Калякина based on the list received from А.В. Кубанин in 1983, and on the book by М.Г. Гостиловская (1978). Also includes species from the White Sea samples and classifications by G.B. Zevina.
All marine, sublittoral.
Class Gymnolaemata Allman 1856
Phylum Brachiopoda Demuril 1806, brachiopods
Class Articulata Huxley 1869
Phylum Chaetognathа Leuckar 1854 - arrow worms
Class Sagittoidea Claus & Grobben 1905
Phylum Hemichordata Bateson 1885
Family Harrimaniidae Spengel 1901
Genus Saccoglossus Schimkewitsch 1892
- Saccoglossus mereschkowskii Wagner 1885 – marine, sublittoral – Броцкая и др., 1963.
Phylum Echinodermata (Klein 1734), echinoderms
Authors: N.M. Litvinova, A.V. Smirnov
All marine, bottom-dwelling.
Class Asteroidea de Blainville 1830, starfish, or sea stars
Class Ophiuroidea Gray 1840, brittle stars
Class Echinoidea Leske 1778, sea urchins
Class Holothuroidea de Blainville 1834, sea cucumbers
Phylum Chordata Bateson 1885 - chordates
Subphylum Tunicata Lamarck 1816 - tunicates or urochordates
Class Ascidiacea - ascidians or sea squirts
Class Appendicularia Brown 1862
Author: N.M. Pertzova
All marine, planktonic
Subphylum Vertebrata Cuvier 1812, vertebrates
'Lampreys and fishes'
Author: V.V. Mahotin
Class Petromyzones, lampreys
Class Elasmobranchii
Class Osteichthyes, bony fish
Class Amphibia Linnaeus 1758, amphibians
Author: V.N.Kalyakin
- Order Anura Rafinesque 1815, tailless amphibians
Class Reptilia Linnaeus 1758, reptiles
Author: V.N.Kalyakin
- Order Squamata Oppel, scaled reptiles
Class Aves, birds
Authors: V.N. Kalyakin, M.V. Kalyakin, I.N. Panov
Including data of I.N. Panov (Bird Ringing Centre of Russia), and unpublished data by V.I. Voronetsky, G.S.Eremkin, P.V. Kvartalnov, V.V. Kontorschikov, E.Yu. Zamesov and publications by: Bianki & Flerov (1960, in Russian), Bianki et al. (1993, in Russian), Blagosklonov (1960, in Russian) and Kohanov (1999, in Russian), as well as 2001-2013 data of Bird ringing station in Chernaya Rechka village 2001-2013.
Chernaya Rechka village where Bird ringing station is situated 3 km apart from the main area covered by the Catalogue. In spite of the Ringing station formally is situated away from the main area the habitats are similar. Both sites are surrounded by the same woodland. The difference is that the main area lacks river, as well as river mouth, tere are no pastures, gardens and clearenses covered with bushes near Biological station, so the number of species connected with anthropogenically transformed areas is significantly less. These differences were considered when the lists were combined, and data on the species included to the Catalogue only from the Ringing station list are specially noted. If there are no special notes we consider the species status same.
- Order Pelecaniformes (Sharpe 1891), totipalmates or steganopodes
- Order Galliformes (Temminck 1820), galliforms, gamefowl, or gallinaceous birds
- Order Passeriformes, passerines
Class Mammalia Linnaeus 1758, mammals
Author: V.N. Kalyakin
- Order Lagomorpha Brandt 1855, lagomorphs
- Order Rodentia Bowdich 1821, rodents
- Order Carnivora Bowdich 1821, carnivorans
- Order Artiodactyla Owen 1848, even-toed ungulates
- Order Cetacea Brisson 1762, cetaceans